25 Sep City of London Counter Terrorism Officers commit Perjury in Court
Detective Constable and officer in charge of Operation BOHAN, Sarah Mayo City of London Counter Terrorism Directorate in a last ditch attempt to discredit Ian Puddick in court obtained a misleading witness statement.
From the Met Police Officer whom had stopped & unlawfully handcuffed Ian Puddick, the officer made no mention of this in his statement.
Ian is only now in a position to officially complain about his unlawful imprisonment as he has been waiting at the location and interviewing witnesses. The officer did not caution Ian nor provide any paper work.
In court under oath DC Sarah Mayo (pictured below) admitted under cross examination by Michael Wolkind QC that she was aware of the common law statutory defence of reasonableness and that she had denied Ian Puddick his right to this defence, when asked why she had she denied Ian Puddick his lawful rights she could not answer.
More information about Mayo and the City of London Counter Terrorist Operation Bohan investigation will addressed in more detail in the forth coming documentary.
He was searching the home of Ian Puddick
Tina Willis
Posted at 17:40h, 27 August” This is yet another shocking example of un-British, multiple police, authorities, Murdochized-media, and institutional DEEP CORRUPTION in UK-US society, now being exposed on a daily basis.
We heartily applaud and support Mr Puddick’s TRUE-Brit resolve and stance – THEY SHALL NOT PASS !
Please also vist “Inquisition 21st Century” and links to so many more worthy sites – together we are Fighting Back. And WE SHALL WIN BACK OUR HARD WON DEMOCRACY & FREEDOMS
Surely a new ‘Uber Law’ now, above which NO ONE can stand is – THE PEOPLES’ WEB ! “